Webinar: Invasive Japanese Chaff Flower with Nick Seaton and Ohio River Foundation

Spend lunch with us (virtually!) and learn about a new problem plant: Chaff Flower. Brought to you by Ohio River Valley CISMA and Ohio River Foundation.

Japanese Chaff Flower (Achyranthes japponica) has moved rapidly through the Midwestern states. Since its discovery, it has spread across both the Ohio and Mississippi river floodplains. Infestations are difficult to control once established and are easily spread by seeds on clothing, and by animals. This presentation will cover chaff flower ID, ecological impacts and management tactics to gain control in problem areas.

Register here: https://zoom.us/meeting/register/tJAtd-uuqjMrHdbt4aG39CFH80yxJAKOxvI1

About the presenter: Nick Seaton is the project coordinator for the River to River Cooperative Weed Management Area in the Shawnee National Forest. He received his bachelors in forestry and masters in plant biology from Southern Illinois University Carbondale. His past work experience is with The Nature Conservancy on the invasive species strike team where he managed invasive species across the Shawnee NF for three years. He is currently an at-large board member of the local and state Illinois Native Plant Society.

Contact Nick at rtrcwma@gmail.com

Did you miss this event? Watch the recording here!